03.18.13 HRC Minutes City of Boulder Human Relations Commission Minutes Monday, March 18, 2013 City Council Chambers 1777 Broadway, Boulder 6:00 p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Jonathan Dings Peter Osnes Emilia Pallouf Shirly White Amy Zuckerman COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Karen Rahn Carmen Atilano I. Call to Order The March 18, 2013 HRC meeting was called to order at 6:02 pm by J. Dings. II. Agenda Adiustments None III. Oath of Office C. Atilano administered the oath of office to Emilia Pollauf. IV. Approval of Minutes S. White moved to accept the February 25, 2013 minutes with two edits. A. Zuckerman seconded the motion. MOTION carries 5-0. IV. Community Participation None. V. Action Items A. 2013 Work Plan: The HRC discussed its goals, objectives and activities for 2013. A. Zuckerman moved to approve the 2013 Work Plan. S. White seconded the motion. Motion carries 5-0. VI. DISCUSSION/INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. 2013 MLK Day Celebration Update: C. Atilano provided a budgetary update of this year's event. B. Driver's License for All Initiative: C. Atilano informed the HRC that City Council will consider its recommendation to support Colorado legislation regarding "Driver's License for All at the March 19 Council meeting. P. Osnes and A. Zuckerman will attend this meeting and provide an overview presentation on the issue and HRC recommendation. C. Work Plan Next Steps: HRC discussed upcoming priorities which include a public hearing on expanding age protection in the Boulder human rights ordinance and activities related to City Council's 2013 work plan. D. Notice for April Meeting: J. Dings informed HRC of upcoming Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson nominations and elections. E. Appreciation Dinner for Leisha Connors Bauer: HRC agreed to gather on April 11 for an appreciation dinner in honor of Leisha Connors Bauer's 5 years of service on the HRC. F. Event Reports: None. VII. IMMEDIATE ACTION ITEMS None VIII. ADJOURNMENT P. Osnes moved to adjourn the March 18, 2013 meeting at 6:50 p.m. S. White seconded the motion. Motion carries 5-0. Attestect: Approved: Board Secretary HRC C"hairperson