01.28.13 HRC Minutes City of Boulder Human Relations Commission Minutes Monday, January 28, 2013 Children, Youth and Families 2160 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 6:00 p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Leisha Conners Bauer Jonathan Dings Peter Osnes Shirly White Amy Zuckerman COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Karen Rahn Carmen Atilano Beth Van Dusen 1. Call to Order The January 28, 2013 HRC meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m. by L. Conners Bauer. II. Agenda Adiustments Postpone 5-A until such time as presenter arrives (delayed due to weather). III Approval of Minutes A. Zuckerman moved to accept the November 19, 2012 minutes as written. J. Dings seconded the motion. Motion carries 5-0. J. Dings moved to accept the December 17, 2012 minutes with the following corrections, correct typo on the bottom of page one. S. White seconded the motion. Motion carries 5-0. IV. Community Participation None. V. Action Items A. 2012 CoIH Report - 1. YWCA of Boulder County - C. Atilano reported that the HRC heard this report at the December 17, 2012 meeting but due to a lack of a quorum could not vote on acceptance of the report. S. White recalls asking the YWCA for an accurate accounting of funds in their report. C. Atilano proposes delaying the vote on the acceptance of the report until the February 25, 2013 HRC meeting. J. Dings moved to accept C. Atilano's recommendation. S. White seconded the motion. Motion carries 5-0. B. 2012 Community Event Fund Reports - 1. Community Cycles - C. Atilano reported that the HRC heard this report at the December 17, 2012 meeting but due to a lack of a quorum could not vote on acceptance of the report. J. Dings moved to accept the report from Community Cycles. P. Osnes seconded the motion. Motion carries 5-0. 2. Immigrant Legal Center of Boulder County- Laurel Ilerndon gave a report on the Deferred Action for DREAMers Public Information and Registration project. P. Osnes moved to accept the CIF report. A. Zuckerman seconded the motion. Motion carries 5-0. C. Community Impact Fund Requests - 1. Out Boulder Marketing Campaign - J. Dings moved to not approve funding for this request. P. Osnes seconded the motion. Motion carries 4-1 with A. Zuckerman opposed. 2. Community Cycles. P. Osnes moved to approve funding as requested for $5,050.00. S. White seconded the motion. Motion carries 5-0. D. Legislative Issue - Driver's License for All - There was brief presentation followed by public hearing with eight supporting comments and none opposing the measure. J. Dings moved that the Human Relations Commission (HRC) encourage city council to support Colorado legislation regarding "Driver's License for All". It encourages city council to adopt the legislative position taken by Boulder County Board of County Commissioners on December 13, 2012: SUPPORT EFFORTS TO ELIMINATE RESTRICTIONS ON THE PROVISION OF A COLORADO DRIVERS LICENSE OR IDENTIFICATION CARD, AND OPPOSE EFFORTS TO INCREASE IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCESS TO PUBLIC SER VICES The requirement to provide proof of U.S. citizenship to obtain a driver's license or identification card creates a barrier for residents seeking to obtain identification, services and benefits. Eliminating these restrictions will improve access to services for all Coloradans, and improve public safety by ensuring that all drivers, regardless of immigration status, have proper identification and are accountable when driving on Colorado roads. S. White seconded the motion. Motion carries 5-0. There is a verbatim transcript of this presentation and public hearing available as an addendum to the January 28, 2012 Human Relations Commission minutes. VI. DISCUSSION/INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. 2013 Work Plan- L. Conners Bauer requested that the HRC look closely at the 2013 Work Plan and send comments to C. Atilano prior to the February 25, 2013 HRC meeting for discussion at the February 25, 2013 HRC meeting. B. 2013 MLK, Jr. Celebration - C. Atilano gave a brief report and indicated that a budget will be prepared for review. C. Event Reports-None. VII. IMMEDIATE ACTION ITEMS None VIII. ADJOURNMENT P. Osnes moved to adjourn the January 28, 2013 meeting. A. Zuckerman seconded the motion. Motion carries 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m. Attested: Approved: A- BcHRC Chairperson