05.08.13 OSBT Agenda OPEN SPACE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway MEETING AGENDA (Please note that times are approximate.) 6:00 I. Approval of Minutes 6:05 II. Public Participation for Items Not on the Agenda 6:15 III. Cultural Resources Update Anemone Hill Update 6:45 IV. Matters from the Board 6:55 V. Consideration of the purchase of approximately 336 acres of land and all mineral rights along with 10 shares of Left Hand Ditch Company water located at 7495 and 7497 N. Foothills Highway from the Joder Arabian Ranch, LLC and the Patricia * Joder Cox Trust for $5,025,000 for Open Space and Mountain Parks purposes. 7:25 VI. Consideration of a motion regarding registration fees for the Voice and Sight Tag Program.* 8:00 VII. Adjournment *Public Participation