02.13.13 OSBT Agenda OPEN SPACE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday,February 13, 2013at6:00p.m. Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway MEETING AGENDA (Please note that times are approximate.) 6:00I. Approval of Minutes A.January 9, 2013OSBT meeting B.January 31, 2013Study Session 6:05II. Public Participation for Items Not on the Agenda 6:20III.Director’s Updates A.Mountain Linkages Trail Project B.Voice and Sight Tag Program education and outreach strategies C.Summary of 2012 Violations 7:05IV.Matters from the Board 7:20V.Consideration of a motion to recommend that City Council authorize a revised version of the Intergovernmental Agreement with Boulder County previously authorizedon Oct.2, 2012 to construct and maintain theIBM Connector Trail.* 7:45VI.Adjournment *Public Participation