Item 4B - 2nd Rdg Ord 8484 and 8485 Rezoning and Alpine Balsam FBC PresentationPhoto: Christopher Brown, 2004 BOULDER VALLEYCOMPREHENSIVE PLAN Comprehensive Rezoning and Alpine-Balsam Form-Based Code City Council October 12, 2021 RECOMMENDED MOTIONS BOULDER VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Motion to: 1)adopt Ordinance 8485, a general revision of the city’s zoning map consistent with the land use designation changes adopted in the 2020 Mid-Term Update to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, and setting forth related details; 2)adopt Ordinance 8484 amending Appendix L, “Form-Based Code Areas,” and Appendix M, “Form-Based Code,” of Title 9, “Land Use Code,” B.R.C. 1981, creating a form-based code for the Alpine-Balsam Area, and setting forth related details; and 3)if Ordinance 8484 is adopted, approve amendments to the Alpine- Balsam Connections Plan, as approved by the Planning Board on September 2, 2021, to be consistent with the form-based code for the Alpine-Balsam Area in Appendix M, “Form-Based Code,” of Title 9, “Land Use Code,” B.R.C. 1981, and setting forth related details. Comprehensive Plan Mid-Term Update: •Spring/Summer 2020 –Initial screening and community engagement •Dec. 3 –Planning Board decision •Dec. 15 –City Council decision Alpine-Balsam Area Plan: •Adopted by Planning Board and City Council in 2019 HOW WE GOT HERE BOULDER VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Area III Planning Reserve (CAC Question) •Baseline Urban Services Study not prioritized as part of the mid-term update; if direction to proceed, prioritize before 2025 Major Update HOW WE GOT HERE BOULDER VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Alpine-Balsam Area Plan: •Four phases of Community Engagement between May 2018-August 2019 •Hundreds of people participated in a range of events •Multiple check-ins with Advisory Boards, Planning Board and City Council •Adoption by Planning Board and City Council HOW WE GOT HERE BOULDER VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN •Community Briefing –May 24 •Materials available on project website –discussion draft of the code changes –summary of the code changes –May 24 presentation •Office Hours –Jun. 29 and Jul. 1 •Questionnaire -BeHeardBoulder.org from mid-June to July 25 –Over 190 community members provided feedback FBC COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT BOULDER VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN •Housing Advisory Board –Unanimously and enthusiastically approved on Aug. 25 •Planning Board –Unanimously approved on Sept. 2 BOARD AND COMMISSION FEEDBACK BOULDER VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Photo: Christopher Brown, 2004 General revision to the city’s zoning map consistent with the land use designation changes adopted in the 2020 Mid-Term Update to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan •Initiated by: City of Boulder •Request for Alpine-Balsam: o Public (PUB) to Mixed Use Business (MUB) and High Density Residential (HR) •Rationale for adoption: o Consistent with BVCP Policies and the Alpine- Balsam Area Plan A. ALPINE-BALSAM (CITY OWNED PROPERTY) Current BVCP Land Use BOULDER VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN A. ALPINE-BALSAM Recommended Zoning: Change from P to RH-7 and MU-4 •Consistent with the BVCP Plan Land Use Designation of High Density Residential (HR) and Mixed Use Business (MUB) •Aligns with the Alpine- Balsam Area Plan RECOMMENDED Zoning BOULDER VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN •Initiated by: City of Boulder / BHP •Request for 6500 Odell Place: o Mixed Use Industrial (MUI) to High Density Residential (HR) •Rationale for adoption: o Consistent with BVCP Policies o Supports the city’s housing goals and aligns with The Gunbarrel Community Center Plan vision for the area as “characterized by a mix of residential and compatible light industrial uses…” B. 6500 ODELL PLACE Current BVCP Land Use BOULDER VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN B. 6500 ODELL PLACE Recommended Zoning: Change from General Industrial (IG) to Residential High-5 (RH5) •Consistent with the BVCP Plan Land Use Designation of High Density Residential (HR) •Aligns with zoning to the north RECOMMENDED Zoning BOULDER VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN •Initiated by: Property owner •Request for 3015-3055 47th Street: o Medium Density Residential (MR) to Transitional Business (TB) •Rationale for adoption: o Consistent with BVCP Policies o Provides a transition to residential area and aligns with the existing character and current uses on the site C. 3015-3055 47TH STREET Current BVCP Land Use BOULDER VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN C. 3015-3055 47TH STREET Recommended Zoning: Change from Industrial General (IG) to Business Transitional 1 (BT-1) •Consistent with the BVCP Plan Land Use Designation of Transitional Business (TB) •Reflects the existing office uses in this location and the intent for these uses to remain RECOMMENDED Zoning BOULDER VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN •Initiated by: Property owners •Request for Hillside Road: o Correct for split land use designations on individual parcels •Rationale for adoption: o Consistent with BVCP Policies o Corrects mapping errors D. HILLSIDE ROAD (AND NEARBY AREAS) Current BVCP Land Use BOULDER VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN D. HILLSIDE ROAD (AND NEARBY AREAS) Recommended Zoning: Changes: •Does not change existing residential of public uses •Corrects mapping error •Does not affect any of the current regulations regarding historic preservation RECOMMENDED Zoning BOULDER VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 18 19 Site Purchase $40 M 20 Vision Plan Site Purchase $40 M “Alpine-Balsam will be a vibrant multi- generational hub for community life and local government services—a welcoming and inclusive new model for equitable, affordable, and sustainable living.” 21 Vision Plan Site Purchase $40 M Brenton Renovation BCH move out Area Plan Acceptance 22 Vision Plan Site Purchase $40 M Brenton Renovation BCH move out Area Plan Acceptance The purpose of this phase is to realize the vision for Alpine-Balsam in alignment with the BVCP and Area Plan. Implementation of the Area Plan Pre -Development Activities 23 Hospital Deconstruction: •2020: interior deconstruction of hospital •2021 -22: exterior deconstruction of hospital Regulatory Changes: •2020: land use changes through the mid-term Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan update •2021: rezoning and adoption of form-based code Access & Mobility Implementation: •2021 -2022: strategy development and exploration of a General Improvement District (GID) Flood Mitigation: •2021: design •2022: construction Energy Strategy Development: •2021: energy feasibility analysis Western City Campus 24 2021 -22: Programming, design 2022 -23: City review, permitting 2023: Construction 2025: Occupancy 25 Schedule 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025+ Interior ExteriorDeconstruction Program Design Bid ConstructionPavilion Renovation Identifying Partner(s)Design Funding / Dev. ReviewHousing Development Land Use / ZoningRegulatory Changes Parking DistrictAccess & Mobility City/ County Wrkng Group Design CLOMRFlood Mitigation Construction LOMR Construction District EnergyEnergy Strategy  Area Plan Site Elements 26 North Eastern Residential Mixed Use North Central Western South Central Residential Mixed Use 27 What is Planned for the City Site City Redevelopment Site Access and Mobility Recap: •Flood mitigation conveyance greenway •New Street at 11th, Pedestrian and Bike connections through the site •Mobility Hub for bike/car share, pick-up, etc. •Shared parking in the existing structure 28 What is Planned for the City Site City Redevelopment Site East Block Recap: •Renovation of the Medical Pavilion for City Service Center and New Public Plaza •“Flex” space –future civic mixed use and/or housing (Age Well Center?) 29 What is Planned for the City Site City Redevelopment Site Center Block Recap: •High Density Housing 2 (3 story stacked flats) on the Northern Portion of the block •Flex Use is now High Density Housing (4 story stacked flats) 30 What is Planned for the City Site City Redevelopment Site West Block Recap: •High Density Housing 1 – 2-3 story townhomes 31 What is Planned for the City Site City Redevelopment Site Recap: •Balanced land uses to achieve city facilities consolidation and affordable housing •Significant improvements for public realm and access and mobility •Focus on a diversity of housing types with a priority for permanently affordable housing 32 Adopted Area Plan Building Height Map –only for city-owned properties Building Height Map (Page 31) 33 Form-Based Code What is it? •organized by building form, rather than use •more prescriptive design regulations than conventional zoning The intent is to provide more predictable built results with a focus on a high-quality public realm 34 Form-Based Code 30Pearl –what we learned? •more prescriptive design requirements increases upfront costs •provides more certainty and reduces the overall risk •provides the community with a more predictable built results with a focus on a high-quality public realm; •allows the city to require human scaled buildings; higher quality and aesthetics; variety of housing types; adaptable building types; active and passive recreation in outdoor space The Commons (3200 Bluff Street) 36 Form-Based Code Focus future zoning on excellent public realm, building form, not dwelling units per acre 37 Form-Based Code •Implements the clear direction of the adopted Area Plan •Increases the predictability of the built form •Supports walkable urban design and architectural excellence Form-Based Code Regulating PlanAlpine-Balsam Area Plan Diagram 38 Form-Based Code STREETS, PATHS, GREENWAYS & OUTDOOR SPACE Identifies: •11th Street connection •New Street •Paseos & Paths •Outdoor Space •Greenway 39 Form-Based Code Outdoor Space & Paths: Developer responsibilities •Public Plaza (outdoor space) •Enhanced Paseo 40 Form-Based Code BUILDINGS Identifies: •Building Types •Required Storefront Treatment •Maximum Building Height •Base Zoning determines uses (as directed by Area Plan) 41 Form-Based Code Basic Building Form –Developer responsibilities What we heard from the community: permeability in the site, durable materials, traditional design, high quality open space •Building Location •Site Coverage •Courtyards •Location of Parking & Refuse •Active Facades •Entrances & Windows •Façade Divisions & Treatments 42 Form-Based Code Building Design –Developer responsibilities Best practice urban design and architectural principles – simplicity, durable materials, human scale •High quality façade materials •Simplicity of façade materials •Definition of entrances •Building articulation •Building massing •Building proportions 43 Form-Based Code Remember: Form-Based Code Implements the Area Plan Potential Refinements: •add kink to 11th Street •modify Connections Plan Next Steps •Nov. 11 Effective date if approved •2021-22 Continued coordination on implementation 44 RECOMMENDED MOTIONS BOULDER VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Motion to: 1)adopt Ordinance 8485, a general revision of the city’s zoning map consistent with the land use designation changes adopted in the 2020 Mid-Term Update to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, and setting forth related details; 2)adopt Ordinance 8484 amending Appendix L, “Form-Based Code Areas,” and Appendix M, “Form-Based Code,” of Title 9, “Land Use Code,” B.R.C. 1981, creating a form-based code for the Alpine-Balsam Area, and setting forth related details; and 3)if Ordinance 8484 is adopted, approve amendments to the Alpine- Balsam Connections Plan, as approved by the Planning Board on September 2, 2021, to be consistent with the form-based code for the Alpine-Balsam Area in Appendix M, “Form-Based Code,” of Title 9, “Land Use Code,” B.R.C. 1981, and setting forth related details. Questions? 46 Back pocket: Area Plan Engagement •AREA PLAN •From May 2018 through August 2019, community engagement for the Alpine-Balsam Area Plan included several phases. Throughout the process, purposes of engagement included raising awareness about the project, getting feedback on goals, sharing draft site scenarios to get feedback on key policy choices, learning about preferences for the Alpine-Balsam area around land use, character, access and mobility, and getting feedback on options and area plan components. •Events for the entire Area Plan process included: •10+ Kickoff events •Pop-ups •Neighborhood office hours •Focus group for under-represented groups •Information sessions •Meetings with property-owners and nearby residents •Online questionnaires •Community meeting with presentation, guided scenario walk, key-pad polling •Small group workshops •Open Houses •Walking Tours •Public Hearings •Hundreds of people participating in-person in each phase and hundreds of written comments Platform at S’PARK (3350 Bluff Street) 3200 Bluff Street 51 Form-Based Code Starting on page 238 of packet 52 Form-Based Code Starting on page 262 of packet Area III-Planning Reserve Process for Considering a Service Area Expansion •Criteria for feasibility of efficient urban service provision and contiguity •Baseline Urban Services Study •Identify Priority Community Needs / Finding of Unmet Needs within the Service Area •Community Val•Initiation of a Service Area Expansion Plan •City and County Approval of Expansion Plan 53